WARNING: (This game is designed to break your hand. Please be careful and make sure to have enough money for your medical bills. If you don't have enough, please do not play this. It is a very fun game though and you don't want to miss out. If your hand is very important to you, DO NOT PLAY.)

To play, just click anywhere on the screen to jump up (this game is a ripoff of Flappy Bird). Do not touch the floor, and if you can't see your player because it has moved to the left of the screen and out of view, just lose all hope and try again because that means you have already touched the border and died. The score at the left is your high score, and the score next to it is your current score. If you get past your high score, it will keep changing while your current score is changing. If you die, your high score will be kept but not your current score.  Share your high score in the comments!

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